Friday, April 25, 2008

Footprints into the future

33 years ago today we had a very busy and exciting day. 33 years ago today we saw our first footprint into the future arrive....our son, Ian. It was thrilling for us to have our firstborn child arrive. We were thrilled to find we had a healthy son. He was "so nice" as his grandmother said when she saw him.
I'm very proud of my kids, and thrilled to be their dad. They have been a real blessing in my life, and continue to be a blessing. Ian was our first footprint into the future, and he has taken the next step to be a man who knows and loves God and his family.
Today I'm blessed to celebrate the birthday of our son, Ian. Happy Birthday, son. I'm proud of you.

1 comment:

  1. They are so blessed to have parents like you. Not all children are so blessed. But, I thank God that He has given me a surrogate "dad".
