Monday, April 21, 2008

Another story, another life

Early this morning a friend of mine left us. He stayed as long as he could because he didn't want to leave, but he finally grew too tired to stay any longer. His wife walked to the very end of the road with him. She stayed with him during this last week and would not leave his side. She walked to the very door with him, but he had to go through alone. This story is more about her than him. His story will have to wait. But her story is one of love and friendship through the most difficult days of life. We all long for someone like that, someone who will be with us through all of the good and bad days of life. Some have been blessed to find that person in a mate. My friend was one of those. His wife loved him dearly, and cared for him to the last moment.

For all of us that have trusted Christ as savior we have that friend, that one who walks with us through the most difficult days of's Jesus Christ himself. His very presence, no matter what the problem of life, is a comfort and support. He is the one who will walk with us to the very door at the end of life, and then walk through it with us as well. That ever present comfort and help is something I sometimes take for granted, but what a joy to have someone with me all the time who cares for me, loves me, prays for me, counsels me and walks with me. He will never leave....he's always there to help in my time of need.

Often we try to measure our lives by the number of friends we have. How many care for us? How many love us? But there is only one friend that will really matter at the end, and that's your friendship with Jesus himself. Our attempts to find a friend who will stick by us in this life are often frustrated, but he is the friend who likes you even when no one else does. If you get to the end with only him you have done well. If you find there are others there as well, then you are unusually blessed. My friend left today with the love of a dear wife on this side of the door, and the love of Christ waiting on the other side. He was a blessed man indeed.


  1. That's a beautiful picture of that door. You know, a dear friend of ours died several years ago. I will not ever forget the early morning phone call from his wife telling me that as he passed, a great smile came to his face as he saw his Savior. And to her, that smile was the best Valentine's present ever - her husband passed on 2/14.

  2. Dear Pastor,

    I want you to know that your posts have touched my life so many times ... you always point us to Jesus with your blogs, and remind us of what is important in this short life of ours.

    Once again, thanks for your wisdom, encouragements and inspiration.

    Enjoying your blog ...

    Vincent from Singapore
