Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I knew this day was coming....the day when boredom would set in. Healing doesn't come as quickly as boredom does. I'm ready for this time to be over....time to be better...NOW!

I have read a lot, watched too much TV, I'm tired of the Internet, it's so bad that when Joye went to the store the other day I asked her to get some Ovaltine. I haven't had that since I was a kid. Where did that come from? Way too much TV....that's where.

I have also discovered that even with hundreds of channels on TV there is nothing to watch. And I'm completely tired of the news programs. Did you ever notice that there is never anything new on the news? The only difference is the names, the news is always the same. Suddenly today I realized, I've seen this news before! And I'll see it again.....as Solomon said, "there is nothing new under the sun."

I'm also tired of politics. Talk about corruption, pride and arrogance! It's amazing to watch, and in a recent politician's demise I really felt bad for his wife. I can't imagine how she felt standing there with him after what he had done. What a very sad situation.

I knew this would come....boredom....but I didn't expect it after only a few weeks. Since I have never been forced to rest and heal like this before I had no idea that this would be so hard. I will tell you one thing- after this I don't ever intend to retire!

Good news? To be bored I must be feeling better...


  1. Are you able to spend anytime outside in Gods wonderful creation and just sit in awe of its beauty, majesty, and invigorating effect on your being?

  2. anon,

    not yet. still in the recliner, foot up.....going to try to get outside tomorrow...thanks for the idea.

  3. Ovaltine...reminds me of the movie "A Christmas Story" where the boy orders a decoder ring that says, "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine". It was a pretty funny moment in the movie. =-)

  4. After I left your house the other day I realized I owed you an apology. When trying to ask if you were getting to enjoy any of your time at home. I made the terrible mistake of describing this time with the word vacation. Ugh! Sorry!

    You asked about biographies. I like one on Andrew Murray by Leona Choy. I have it if you want to borrow it.
