Friday, March 14, 2008

A smile for Friday

I saw this photo and thought.....I needed that. It took my mind off of my bum foot. This is a species of monkey I had never seen before, and his profile made me smile. I hope it helped your day as well. He does have a great haircut though. That does help his overall look.


  1. Doncha know the monkey has a wife who thinks he's the "cat's meow"?
    Thanks for the chuckle, dear Brother.
    I love checking in to your thoughts, you always seem to give me encouragement for my trials, through sharing your own current experiences.
    Am still praying for you, right now for the boredom you feel.
    Hey, if you'd just let us all know, we'll all stand in line to come over for games and such! Whee, a continuous party at Mike's! You will long for the quiet of those birds and the solitude in no time!
    Love in Christ,

  2. Pastor Mike,

    Thank you for the humor you have fused with serious principles.

    I know about boredom as I have been on the backside of the mountain a few times myself.

    I have taken the liberty to link your blog to mine.

    It is..

    let me know what you think of my blog!!

    Ron Tate

  3. Good stuff. Keep up the good work. The world is asleep about the Age wave that is hitting our communities and the church certainly is asleep at the wheel.
