Tuesday, March 18, 2008

His unseen work

Deut. 29:29 "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law. ............................................................ My son in law showed me this photo from a few days ago here in Dallas. This is just one of the series from an office in downtown Dallas, Texas. If you have never seen downtown Dallas I need to tell you that there are dozens of buildings, not just these few. What you see in this photo are buildings that are over 30 stories tall. Everything else is hidden by the fog.
My thoughts were immediately of all the buildings you can't see, all the people who are moving in the streets below. There is a lot more going on than you can see here....and that's true in our lives as well. We only see a little bit of what God is doing. Below the surface is a lot more going on than we even know. We only see a little bit of what God is working on...we only see what he reveals to us.
How much more is he doing in my life that I can't see? Through these last few weeks I have been occupied with my own health and recovery from an accident and surgery. But what I can't see now is what other things God is working on, what other things he has been doing. Soon the fog will clear and I will be surprised at all the Lord did that I couldn't see before.
All that we see now is but a small part of God's amazing work in our lives. One day the fog will clear and his plan and work will be revealed. If you could see all the other buildings hidden in the fog you would realize that you missed most of Dallas. You weren't able to see all that was going on below because the fog hid it from your view. This is true in your life today. God is working....even if you can't see all that he's doing right now. Know that there is much yet to be seen and one day the fog will clear and you will be surprised at all he has done. He's an amazing artist.


  1. Have you seen "August Rush?" It's pretty good and fits this category of stuff God is doing but we can't see. The boys and I watched it tonight and they proclaimed it good. It was a little predictable, but sometimes a sweet movie with a happy ending is nice.

  2. Very good observation! It's encouraging to know that all things happen for good to those that love the Lord. Some day we will see it all and praise the Lord for His loving care. M & D

  3. I too am sitting back in amazement at how God orchestrates without our knowledge... (as if He ever needed our help, input, or ideas!!!!) haha!
    I have been praying for you dear friend. May God continue your recovery healing process...
    He is so very good. I praise Him and Praise HIM and PRAISE HIM.
