Friday, March 07, 2008


It's been a week since surgery. I'm healing, but I know that healing takes time. It takes time physically and emotionally. For my injury I'm looking at a year to recover, but I have known people who were wounded emotionally who are still trying to heal after decades. Their scars aren't as visible, their wounds may not be evident, but they are handicapped by them. Healing takes time and it takes the right solution to the problem. My injury was a crushed heel, but if the doctor had suggested that I just needed some rest without fixing the problem I would be no better.
Being a resident of a broken, fallen world is to live with the reality that we each have been wounded and need healing. What was clear from the beginning for me was that I needed the right doctor....a fix my broken heel. He had to be someone who knew what to do, how to fix what was wrong. He needed to be someone who had studied the best way to fix broken feet. He needed to be someone who had done it before. I was blessed to find a great specialist in our area who knew exactly how to fix me, and he did a great job.
For those with wounds that can't be seen there is still a need for a specialist, one who knows what's wrong, one who knows how to fix it, one who has fixed others before. His office is always open, he knows what to do, he's done it before....he knows exactly how to fix what's broken in our lives.... "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." -Jesus


  1. Hi Mike,
    I only just read about your injury! Ouch!

    It's good to hear you're recovering well.

    I snapped my achilles tendon a few years ago, so I can understand some of the frustrations...

    Keep resting ;) Will keep you in my prayers:)

  2. hey mike! glad you're healing!
    can't wait to come see you with Benjamin!
    by the way, i have a blog now.
