Friday, March 21, 2008

Being served

I have talked about lawn mowing several times on my blog. The lawn mower war of last summer was a funny series with my neighbor and I competing to mow each others lawn. It got very comical, but I lost the war to their persistent mowing and my busy schedule.

Today I sit in my living room with my broken heel, a cast on my foot, listening to friends from the church rake and mow my lawn. I am humbled, blessed and not sure what to let someone else serve ME is really hard. Serving has always been my job, but today, unable to do anything about it, I am forced to let them "wash my feet" by caring for my lawn.

I am blessed, and very humbled. These are all dear friends who love us, and are glad to be here helping us. There is nothing I can do but receive from them. Often that is the case in our lives. We need someone to help us. We must allow others to serve us and share their love for us by their deeds. It's such a blessing. It's the Christian community lived out. It's the church as it was meant to be. Thank you, Lord, for these dear wonderful friends. Thank you for the church living out the Christian life together.


  1. I guess such moments show us how far we have to go, no matter how far the Lord has brought us, eh, brother?

  2. Sounds like you've got a great church family down there.

    I'm amazed ya'll are mowing your lawns already; I saw snow fluries on Friday here in central Indiana. Sounds like spring has sprung for you - enjoy it as best you can.

  3. Kris, yes, we have an amazing church family. It's great to be part of this family.

    And, winters here are cool, but never really too long. We had 3 inches of snow one day, but it was 70 the next day, so winter is short lived.

    I saw the snow in on your site, glad I'm in Dallas. Hope your Easter went well.
