Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I had a great visit on the phone with one of our single moms tonight. She has two daughters who are in middle school and growing up quickly. It's hard to be a single mom, but she has some help. Her next door neighbors are also members of our church and a great Christian family. This single mom told me that when her girls have questions about right choices she doesn't ask them, "What would Jesus do?" She said that's too hard for them to relate to. Instead she asks them, "What would the Bakers do?"
(Please don't tell them she does this, because they don't know that she uses them as a role model for her girls.)
I'm thrilled to know this is happening because one family is living out the Christian life in a way that another family watches.
I wonder who's watching me? Do you know who's watching you?
Would your neighbors tell their kids, "What would ____ do?" I'm sure the Bakers don't know about their witness, but it is making a difference. One single mom is depending on them to help her girls make good choices and they don't even know it.
Who's watching you?

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