Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some thoughts today

I have been laying here with my foot up for just a few days now and I'm already going stir crazy. What can I do but color, write and think? I can see why depression is a close companion to serious illness. When all you have to do is sit and think you think about yourself....and nothing good comes from that!

I know better, but have wished for a "do over" of the last week. I know we all do that when something bad happens...if only I could have, or if only I didn't....then I wouldn't be here.

But I wonder, is this situation meant to do more for me than I know? What is God's goal through all of this? I read that amazing passage in James 1 as he begins the book by saying, "Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials." That response can only come from a look at the bigger picture, a knowing that the sovereign God of creation has allowed this in my life for a reason, so how should I look at it? WITH JOY! I'm still working on that, but I can't wait to see what he is going to do with me through this time.

So many of you are praying for me, thank you. I can't think of anything more exciting than to know that your name is being brought before the Father by people all over the world. Thank you for your prayers.

I got an e-mail from a family who went through this very same thing 6 years ago. The husband fell and crushed both of his heels! It was a very difficult time for them. They have wandered off, and I have not seen them in a while, but when they heard about my fall I got a note from them saying they want to help me in the same way I helped them during their crisis. That's the family of God working like it should. It will be great to see them again.

So, today is a day of rest and waiting...I will also use the time to pray. I'm not so interested in the "why" prayers as I am in praying, "Lord, will you work in my life through this time?" That's my see God glorified in my life when I am broken and hurting.

I'll keep you updated on what I find in my walk with God through this time......


  1. The thought of rest and being still sound so attractive until you actually have to do it.

    During my post-bunion surgery recovery I enjoyed lots of crossword puzzles and Sudoku.

    Maybe I should bring you some pictures from Israel to look at. (They really are interesting!)

  2. Lori,

    I would love to see your pictures. And I have plenty to do during this time. I am looking forward to this time with God.

    Come by and show me your photos.

  3. I will do that! I told you that I would give you a disc with pictures on it. I'm trying to figure out a way to do it and add notes so that you know what the pictures are of (especially when it's not so obvious!).

    And as to your post today - sometimes I'd like to be exempt on the faith test! Could I just have faith without the trials??

  4. Lori, thanks, I look forward to seeing the photos of your adventure.

    Can you have faith without the trials? I don't see that option in the word, sorry. But would you want that kind of faith anyway? Note what Peter says about it in 1 Peter and what he compares a tested faith to. It's worth the trials to get that kind of faith!
