Saturday, February 02, 2008

Quote of the day

I chose the quote of the day in honor of my new friend, Rodney (I will tell you more about this divine appointment later.) The quote is from Tom Skinner. Most have never heard of him. Tom was a black evangelist in the late 60's until his early death in 1994. Tom came to speak for me at university in the early 70's and made an amazing impact in my life. My visit with Rodney yesterday brought up a flood of old memories of those days with Tom and his associate, Bill Pannell. So, in honor of them and Rodney, here is a quote from Tom Skinner-

The fullness of the Spirit is not a state of perfection; it is a state of surrender. It is not a state of sinlessness; it is a state of abandonment to Jesus Christ—when a person simply says, “I renounce all rights to myself and I give Jesus the right to do with me whatever he pleases.”
-Tom Skinner

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