Friday, February 15, 2008

Growing old together

34 years ago today Joye and I got married. We have literally spent most of our lives together. It's hard to describe a marriage that has lasted for decades, but it's wonderful to think about.
When we got married I had hair. I was thin. I was a pastor making $384.00 a month (I didn't need any more than that). Now all of that has changed. In the last 34 years my hair abandoned me, my love for food has betrayed me, we have raised two awesome kids who are both married with families of their own. So now we come back to the beginning- just Joye and I "doing life together."
It's quite an amazing thing to walk through life with another person. Through the good times and the bad you gradually find that, as the bible describes, two people become one. To be sure they are still two, but now a oneness exists that is quite hard to describe. It's honestly something that makes me smile as I try to write about it.
So let me celebrate this day of remembering for us by thanking the Lord for his love and care in providing each of us such a wonderful blessing- each other. Have a good day, I know we will.


  1. And you write WELL about it.... we should all hope for such longevity in our partnerships. They are a gift from God.

    PS I liked that comment about "my love for food betrayed me." HA!

  2. Congratulations to you both. Greg and I are coming up on 2 decades this summer, and it is truly a mystery how a good marriage keeps getting better and better with time. It is exciting and a rarity these days.

  3. Belated Congratulations!
    Jill & I in only 2 years (God willing that we live that long) will be measuring our life together in decades. I am amazed that she has put up with me that long. Praise God for your love and commitment to each other and to the Lord.
