Friday, February 29, 2008

Closed for Repairs

I'm off to the hospital this morning for some repairs to my heel so I will close the blog for a few days until I'm feeling better. We met with the surgeon yesterday and he said the surgery will take about 3 hours. There are still some unknown issues until he's "in there" to look around. He asked if I had any questions, and I said, "Yes, would you please get a good nights rest?!"

Thank you all for your prayers. I'll update you on my repairs as soon as I possibly can.....


  1. Pastor Mike,
    I believe all will go well today for the needed repairs. We have been praying for you and Joye so do not be anxious.

    The Skidmore's

  2. Mike,

    Sorry to hear about the accident. I pray that all went well today with the surgery.
