Monday, February 25, 2008

A clarification from last Sunday's post

Pastor Brent called to check on me today. He said he hadn't called because it "sounded" like I didn't want to see or hear from anyone (based on my posts from Sunday.)

I am sorry for that misunderstanding. As I mentioned in that post the pain from my crushed heel made it difficult to be with people, so if I gave anyone the impression that I didn't want to hear from you I apologize. Sometimes it helps to have others comment on your words. When you hear how they "heard" them you realize that's not what you meant at all. Thanks for your understanding.

Update- my surgery is early Friday morning. The surgeon said I may be home by Sunday night.

Your prayers, calls and encouragement have been wonderful and a real blessing, thank you!

On another note I took delivery on my "knee walker" today. Joye ordered it for me. It's the perfect solution for someone who cannot walk on his foot for 3-5 months, as I am facing. It's a great invention to replace crutches. Here's a picture. What do you think? Cool, huh?


  1. Hey that is really cool. Although I don't think I want to break anything to qualify to use it. You and Joye are in my and Phil's prayers as well as the staff and girls at Jireh House. We are praying you will do well. Love you guys, Chery, Phil & all of Jireh House.

  2. That is way fancier than the one I had.

  3. I personally like the basket on front! You can carry your laptop around with you! :-)

  4. Actually, what I said was that was the reason I didn't come by your house.

    But, manalive that's the coolest scooter ever!

  5. Mike, You have a friend on the East Coast who will be up at 5:30 am anyway on Friday (3:30 your time?) and who has your surgery written down on her calendar for prayer.

    God bless,
    Jennifer in VA

  6. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Joye. So sorry you're having to go through this. Very cool scooter!

  7. Jennifer,

    thanks for your prayers. I am blessed to know others will be praying for me. Thank you all.

  8. May I suggest/hope that you only use this for its intended purpose. Don't try standing on that skinny seat to reach up high! (It doesn't look much safer than a bar stool) Seriously - We are praying for you and miss seeing you in person already!

  9. Awwww, man...there go the hunky biceps = (( j/k


  10. Mike,
    I am so sorry to hear about your fall! You and Joye are in my prayers.
    My 3 year old is sitting next to me as I read this, and when she saw the picture of your scooter she said, "Mommy where are the training wheels?"
    --Just be careful, ok?
    Susan Myers
