Tuesday, January 08, 2008

You write the story...

I had taken this post down for lack of response, but was told by one reader, "I'm still thinking about it." So let me repost this photo. As you know if you read this blog, photos are part of the inspiration (see "Ripples" below). So, I want to invite you to write the story or devotional with this photo as your inspiration. I will leave it up this time, response or not, so have fun. I'm looking forward to your ideas.


  1. Thanks for putting it back up. I too was thinking about this one and was surprised to find it gone this morning.

    The obvious story is how it relates to my walk with Christ. I have to remind myself that God is near to me, and that I don't have to search far for him.

    Ok, I got it started; now it's someone else's turn.

  2. This picture reminds me of how often I’m looking for something to fill the emptiest in me and all the while what will fill my heart is right there with me. Thank You Lord…

    Joe Martin

  3. I was attacked my my mother's double-yellow head parrot 9/30/07 and have a scar on my lip as a constant reminder of that incident. I saw the picture and totally "flinched" remembering that very, very, very painful experience. While it sounds "funny," it was bloody, painful and even required stitches. Don't try it at home. I will never look at birds the same way!

  4. I blogged about it myself;-)

  5. Dang! I have been right here where that dumb bird watching guide told me to be for three whole weeks, and I have yet to see the last of the ten rarest birds I have been seeking. The red-faced pigmy love parrot will complete myy photgraphic collection that will win me the prize. I guess I can kiss that million dollar prize money goodbye...

  6. The beautiful red headed, red breasted emerald wings had taken a dramatic step forward as they sought the help of one out of their league. Surely, this strange creature with the powerful eyes could help them find the rest of their flock and guide them to safety. It was a very scarey, big step for them. This powerful, all seeing one was so different from them and yet through faith and trust, and yes, even obedience he would be the means of their salvation. How can these birds rest on and trust this mere man?

    Not much different than we with the exception that God realized we frail humans would never cling to or trust one not of our own. In His omniscience He realized He would have to come down to us so we could reach up to Him. He gave up His celestial beauty so as not to blind us to His truth, and sought us to lead us to safety. In accepting His grace and mercy our salvation was made possible and now we, too, can soar with wings as eagles, run and not become weary, walk and not faint. Praise God he found me (you, us). We would have never found Him on our own. lcl

  7. These are great! Thanks for your imaginations. It's really interesting to see what you each came up with. Thanks.

  8. This man not only looks at birds; he loves them. And they love him. In short, his life is fully integrated. He practices what he preaches (or screeches).
