Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ready for spring!

Ok, enough of winter! I'm ready for spring.
It's been too cold too long! If this is global warming then I'm really confused. Doesn't global warming mean warmer? What's up with all of this cold weather? I just talked to my brother in Iowa and he said it was colder there this winter than he can remember. I am looking forward to spring and the wind in my hair (not really, I wear a helmet) and bugs in my teeth (not really) as soon as I can get the motorcycle out on the road and not freeze. So, all I need is a little more sun, a few warm days and some time to head for the back roads.....sigh.


  1. Of course, they can't seem to make up their mind, so it is not "global warming" now for the media, but rather "climate change"... duh that way they "get it right" either way!

    The thing that gets me, Mike, is they can't seem to get the weather forcast right 100% of the time on the 24 hour forcast, let alone the 5-day, but they're gonna tell us what is gonna happen in 20+ years. When they get those right 100% of the time, maybe I will listen a little closer. What an insult to my intelligence! The sacriest part is how many people totally buy into it! When are folks gonna figure out that we are not as big as we think we are, and that it is God who makes the weather... sorry pet peeve... yes Spring is a lovely time of the year! I know my girls are also eager to get out and play outside again. Peace!

  2. Yes... Spring and Fall are two of my favorite days in Texas... But I guess that as opposed to when it's freezing, you'll ride when it's hot. Appreciate you, brother.
