Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Quotes of the day

"You are just as spiritual as you want to be." -Leonard Ravenhill

And one more,

"God's not concerned with your happiness, he's concerned with your holiness." -Leonard Ravenhill


  1. WOW!

    what a great message for me to hear. How wonderful that God loves us enough to put our happiness aside for greater things. And in the process - make us happier! Amazing. Thanks Mike!

  2. "God's not concerned with your happiness, he's concerned with your holiness." -Leonard Ravenhill

    Yes, I suppose that explains many of the trials he allows.

  3. Who is Leonard Ravenhill? Quote on holiness reminds me of the premise of Gary Thomas's book, Sacred Marriage.

  4. Leonard Ravenhill was a contempory of A.W. Tozer, he spoke and wrote about revival in the 60's and 70's. Not sure when he died, but he was elderly when I met him.
