Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Only God could do it

Today I did a funeral for a man I never met, and yet, as I put the service together I found that God had been working towards this moment in time for more than 30 years. The weaving together of lives, situations, relationships, notes in bibles, old phone numbers that hadn't changed, neighbors at the right place and time, pieces of paper left for me to find after more than 20 years....I was amazed to see how God wove it all together to bring lives to this very day, but he's not done yet. I know he's only showing me part of what he is doing, but I am amazed at the little bit I do see. It's like solving a mystery hidden from decades past. Clues hidden, tracking down people, connecting lives, and all of it was planned by God for one purpose- HIS GLORY! As I watch the little bit I see all I can say is, "God, you are amazing!" If you're curious I'll tell you the whole story.....it's one that only God could do.


  1. I always love to hear stories when it is so obvious God is ever present in our lives and He shows us He is totally in control of all the details. Please share!

  2. Pastor Mike... God is simply amazing... I was beginning to read a book that I've had stored up for some time...Black and Free by Tom Skinner... It was signed By Mr. Skinner and It was your Book!!! I prayed and quickly performed a simple search which lead me to your blog... I don't believe its a coincidence that you were speaking of clues left in books... Understanding that you are a busy man but if you have the time I would like to correspond with you.

  3. Anonymous,

    That is amazing! Tom Skinner was a friend and spoke at university for me in the early 70's. The whole situation almost got me kicked out of school. That is so amazing that you now have that book. Tom was an amazing man, and dearly loved the Lord. I would love to correspond with you as well. you can reach me at this e-mail: mike@crossroadsbible.org

  4. Rodney, give me a call when you have time. I would like to get together.
