Friday, January 25, 2008

A gospel parable in real life

I read this story this morning and thought, "what an amazing example of love." This paints a wonderful and sad picture in real life of what Christ did for us to give us life.
"A mother from the U.K. died just weeks after refusing cancer treatment so that she could save the life of her unborn baby, the Daily Mail reports.
Lorraine Allard, 33, of St. Olaves, near Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer when she was four months pregnant with her son Liam. She refused to terminate the pregnancy at 23 weeks and delayed her own vital treatment to save her son.
Liam was born 15 weeks early and Allard was able to see him a handful of times before she died Jan. 18, according to her husband Martyn, 34. Liam, who was born Nov. 18, is putting on weight and doing well in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital." -Friday, January 25, 2008, Fox News

The story of the gospel is just such a story. Christ willingly died to give us life. What an amazing give our life for another. In Christ we see the full demonstration of God's love for us.

For this dear family it's a sad story, but one illuminated forever by Lorraine's love for her unborn son, Liam. We live each day in the reflection of just such a love, God's love demonstrated on a cross more than 2,000 years ago. A love that is still amazing and changing those who hear about it.

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his lie for his friends." John 15:13

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