Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Beginning with thanks

Today has a simple beginning for me. I just want to take a minute to say thank you to the Lord for all he has done.

Lord, thank you for all you have done for us even when we don't say "thank you." Thank you for your amazing love that changes our lives forever. Thank you for forgiveness...that amazing grace so richly given and so clearly undeserved. Thank you for food today. So many are hungry, and we are not. Thank you for clothes, and a place to stay. Thank you for holding us together every moment. Thank you for thinking about us. We are so blessed. There are not enough pages to write about all that you do for us. So much of it we simply take for granted. Thank you most of all for your son, Jesus Christ, who gave himself to provide for us the life and eternity we could never attain on our own. We are so blessed...thank you.


  1. Mike,
    Great post for a beginning and a ending of any day.
    Thank you,

  2. I tell people I am so thankful at the end of each day. When I put my children to bed, I give thanks for the fact they are warm, they have a safe place to lay their heads, they do not go to bed hungry, they are not worried about when they will have another meal, they are healthy, they are bright, they laugh, etc. When all is calm, I give thanks. I need to find a way to be thankful (or to remember to be thankful) when all is crazy also.
