Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thinking about Christmas

I have been reading the Christmas story over and over to prepare for tomorrow. It's such an important event in the history of mankind....the entrance of the creator into our world. I know that most simply see this as a secular holiday....a time of gifts, vacation, a time to be with family. But it's so much more. It's the visible revelation of the love of God for each one of us. The God who made us became one of us to save us. It's the most amazing story the human race has ever heard. I think I'm just beginning to get a sense of how much this birth of Christ really means...this humble entrance onto our planet in a little backwater town in Israel is the pivotal event of history. The world has asked for proof that God it is. There has been no other person in the history of the human race that has made such a difference in our world as Jesus Christ has. He is the central figure of time and history. He still makes the cover of Time magazine each year, and he has changed my life forever.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Mike. We had just the best day ever.
    Russell from down under.
