Friday, December 28, 2007

Planning ahead

At this time each year most of us begin to plan ahead for the new year. We call those plans "New Year Resolutions." It's an opportunity to try to do better this new year than we did the last.
But let me invite you to look ahead a little further....further into the future than just the new year. Further than you have ever looked before....all the way to the end of your life. When it's all done here what do you hope others will say about you at your funeral? When friends and family gather to remember you what do you wish they would say about you?
He was a great dad, godly man, hard worker. She was an amazing woman who loved her family, everyone around her and her Lord. I'm sure you have your own list of things that race through your mind...."I hope they will say," or "I would like to hear." So, let me invite you to plan ahead....not for the new year, but for the finish line.
Plan ahead in this way- write down the things about you that you would want others to remember you for and begin to weave those things into your life NOW. None of us know when our days are done, but we can intentionally set a course for the finish line now. Live your life today with the finish line in view.
There is another finish line for each of's our interview with our creator. That meeting is the final finish line. For those who have trusted Christ as their savior it will be a great day whatever the commentary may be, but for those who have not trusted Christ for salvation that finish line is a dark day. Many have said it before me, but let me repeat it. We do not live for the commentaries of friends and family, although their words about us will tell a lot about our lives. We live for an audience of one- God himself. Live your life knowing that there is one who is watching, one who will give the ultimate report card on your life. Live for an audience of One.

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