Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Great songs come from trials

One of the men in our church, Mike Bascue, has been through an amazingly difficult time and is coming through the other side. He found times of doubt, times when he was angry at God, times when he felt alone.....but through it all, and now on the other side of his trials God is working in his life. Here is a song he just wrote. I think you will really like it. Here's the link to his first cut of "The Stone."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing that! I have been a fan of Mike's since I first met him.

    As an occasional songwriter, I must say that the best songs do come from difficult times. One of my best songs came when a friend lost her three-year-old to sudden illness (similar to Ellen). I think when we suffer, we realize how much we need God, how little control we have, and just let God's message flow through us. And Mike does that beautifully!
