Sunday, December 02, 2007

A big enough faith?

I have heard this phrase in Christian circles often, "if you only have enough faith..." and then the comment fades off into some great miracle that would happen for you....if you only had enough faith. I'm honestly tired of this perversion of the bible, and want to take a moment to vent a little. The reason it's such a problem is that it makes God small and forces me to take his place.....if I only had enough faith. The whole weight of a miracle in my life rests on ME. The whole idea is neither biblical or true. You don't need more faith for God to act in your life, and the fact that something isn't happening has nothing to do with the amount of faith you have or don't have.

Jesus said, "for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." Did you see that? It's not the size of your faith, it's the size of you God. It's not a focus on ME, it's a focus on God. It's not how much faith I have, it's God's wonderful will and plan for my life. It only takes small faith to do big things, but it takes a big God.

This whole perverted theology "if you only have enough faith..." makes faith into something it isn't. It's not something to accumulate for a blast at my problem, it's not measurable or powerful of itself. Faith can do nothing. Did you hear that? Faith can do's the one you have faith in that performs the miracle. Faith has NEVER performed a miracle, and never's GOD who does the miracle.

A little faith in a big God can move mountains. I don't need more faith, I have all I need. What I need is to have faith in the right thing- in the BIG God who can answer my prayers. And, frankly I'm really tired of hearing people put the weight of a miracle on the backs of those who are least able to carry it. You will see far more miracles with a little faith and a big God. You will see far more miracles with a faith in God rather than a faith in faith.

Enough faith to move mountains? You don't need more than you have, all you need is a God big enough to move the mountain for you. It's much easier to let God be God. Take your little faith to the throne of a big God and watch those mountains move!


  1. Mike,
    It is funny to read this, because it fits what I have learned in electronics school. The light is either on, or off, there is no in between. I have often heard remarks made, like "if I had only prayed harder". When I pray, it is not like I can pray harder. I simply pray! I also believe that one must also thank the Lord for answering prayers too.

    I hope all is well with you. My father went home today from the hospital and he is doing really very well. Thanks again for your prayers and support.

    God Bless You.

  2. did you ever see this...
    Driscoll hits the nail on the head.
