Wednesday, December 05, 2007


There's an amazing site in our community. In a field near our home a family has decorated a large, lone tree with Christmas lights. What's amazing about the display is that you can see it from quite a distance....the lights are a neon white, and it looks like they have put lights on nearly every branch on the tree.

What looks like a beautiful site at night is just an ugly tree by day. It's funny what a difference light makes.

I wonder if that's how we appear....without Christ just another ugly dead life, but when the light of God's presence enters our lives we light up those around us and draw a crowd.


  1. Wow! That's a lot of work! It is amazing what God can do with an ugly tree when He makes it a new creation!

  2. Where is this tree exactly? We want to include it in our Christmas light rounds. :-)

  3. it's on Shiloh road between 1171 and 407. You will see it clearly off to the west in the field.

  4. Very nice. White can be very effective when well presented.

  5. The owner of the property's husband passed away a year or two ago shortly after Thanksgiving. The tree is a memorial to him.
