Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 in review

It's been an amazing year. As I look back on the year I see amazing things happening. Here are just a few of the things that have happened in my world this year:

1. We (pastors) found ourselves leading our church family through a very difficult time. It was exciting to be part of it and see what God did through this time.

2. This was the first year in a long time that I didn't go to Haiti. YEAH!

3. This is the first year in my adult life that I have taken 2 weeks off at the same time. It was amazingly refreshing. I think I will do it again.

4. I got the chance to ride my bike to Colorado and spend the week motorcycling in the mountains with my sweet wife and friends. I think I will do this every year.

5. On vacation this year I grew my first beard. I was surprised it was ALL gray. I think it looked pretty good.

6. I pastored at more funerals this year than I have in many years. Some of these dear ones were good friends. It's been hard in that respect.

7. I have been able to read some great books this year. I love books!

8. My dear wife has gotten very busy in the ministry, and I have been thrilled to see that.

9. We, as a church family, have seen the Lord work in amazing ways through this year. I know the kingdom of God would continue on just fine without our church, but it's been great to see God work in our little church family.

10. We found a new teaching pastor, Steve Hixon, this fall. He's a great guy, and I'm looking forward to working with him.

11. One of our pastors and a good friend is leaving us to work in missions. I'm sad that he's leaving, but excited to see what God will do in and through him.

12. I have been blessed to be able to spend some time in the word each day. I don't think I could spiritually survive the last year without that time with God each day.

13. I have been blessed to see God work in the lives of people in our church family. They have grown more than they know. Many left our church because of the problems we went through, but those that said, "this is my church" and stayed through this time have grown into an amazing church family. I wouldn't have missed it for the world or be willing to go through it again for anything!

I hope your year was one that brought you joy in your memories and growth in your faith.


  1. Mike, be sure you do the two weeks again this year! And this year, keep the beard!

  2. James, thanks. And it time for some coffee....when are you availabe?
