Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Why does life have to be so hard?

I had coffee with a friend this morning. It was an interesting visit. In the course of the time together he asked, "Why does life have to be so hard?"
It was a sincere question based on his life and marriage. He and his wife have really had a tough time. He and I have spent countless hours over coffee talking and praying over his life and marriage.
Today, without thinking, I answered his question and responded, "Because some people insist on it."
We just sat there and looked at each other for a bit....and then it hit us both....that's true! There are times that life is hard because some people insist on it. They are miserable and want to make sure you are too. I have heard the expression "misery loves company," but I think this is more accurate, "misery creates company." When we are miserable no one is going to get away with a smile in our presence. If I'm suffering then everyone around me will join me or else!
I don't have a scripture for this, it's just an observation that I wanted to share with you. As I think about it I'm finding it is indeed true- why does life have to be so hard? Because some people insist on it.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.


  1. Good thoughts, Mike. I am often amazed at people that seem to have non-stop drama in their lives... and I wonder what part they play in the fact that they have it. And usually those are the people that drag everyone down with them.

    I'll take my boring existence over theirs any day. *smile*

  2. I am an expert at making life harder than it should be. I think it is because I'm trying to be in control -- or at least think I am!

    I had a thought (scary, I know!) -- just because bad stuff happens doesn't mean life has to be as hard as we make it. It IS very difficult. But that doesn't mean we can't go through it with joy and contentment, being comforted by knowing GOD is in control.

    In my case, life is usually so hard because I'm so hard-headed! And I have to relearn lessons over and over!

  3. This is a very interesting thought and I appreciate that you shared it. I have a friend that I had to 'back away from' over a year ago because I couldn't seem to help her, she couldn't seem to help herself, and her problems were really depressing me. Greg noticed a real change in me during the time I was close with her! So, I have experienced first hand how someone's black cloud can rain on all those around them. I am still available, still friends with her, and see her occasionally, but after all these years, her problems remain, her gloom and sadness is still very deep. You really summed up what is happening, and I hadn't thought of it that way. I still pray for her...she really needs the Son to peek out of those clouds.
