Sunday, November 11, 2007

thank you

For all of you who have served this country through military service of any kind, thank you. It's been your sacrifice that has made this country a free and safe place. Even today men and women are serving and dying for this country. Thank you all!
I love the regular trips many in our area take to the airport to greet the troops returning from Iraq and other places. They cheer them home, shake their hands and tell them thank you. So on behalf of my family I want to say thanks for all that you have done to make this country a safe place to live.
It's a special day for me in another way, it's my birthday. Veteran's day parades have always been special to me because as a small child my dad would take me to the veteran's day parades and tell me, "son, they are marching to celebrate your birthday." For a while I believed him, and it made me feel very special. Now I know the special ones were marching by.
I'm blessed to have the freedom I enjoy, but I know it was built on the lives of millions of men and women who were willing to die to keep it for us. We are blessed indeed.
Thank you all!

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