Friday, November 23, 2007

Taking a break...

Time for a break. I'm tired, my brain is empty, and I need a I'm going to take a few days off. See you early next week. I'll be on that bench if you need me.


  1. I'll miss you. I wish you well. We've had a nice break this week with relatives and it is nice to just escape the normal routine.

  2. Is there room on that bench for another empty brain? I so appreciate you, my friend. Coffee soon.

  3. Hi Mike, I hope you had a great birhday and a very happy thanksgiving!

    I also hope we can hang out next spring or summer (or sooner!) in Colorado again--y'all are always welcome in the Fort (Collins, that is)...

    --John T.

  4. Hi again, I enjoyed your message today...I learned so much about Psalm 136 that I didn't know before. I appreciate your insights which are always interesting and from your heart.

  5. Hi Mike. I thought I'd swing by and check out your blog. I've only read a few posts so far, but you do an excellent job. Hope you've enjoyed/are enjoying your break.

  6. Kris,

    thanks for the comment. I was glad to find your blog, and get to connect with a fellow Friend. I look forward to visiting more in the future.
