Monday, November 05, 2007

Celebrating holidays

Today, November 5th, is a holiday in Iran. It's "Death to America" Day.

I read the news clip on Al Jazeera and it made me stop for a moment. Being one of those who isn't in favor of such a holiday (I hope you understand my opposition to it) I wonder how a whole culture could come to such a place that they would celebrate the death and demise of another country and its people.

And, how would you celebrate such a day? Do you greet one another on this day with "Hello, death to America"? It's such an odd thing to celebrate. Do they exchange "Death to America" gifts? Do they say, "Happy Death to America Day!" It's just seems like a very strange and sad holiday to me.

So, let me counter this holiday with the creation of one of my own. On a day when others celebrate our demise I am going to pray for their salvation. Since holidays are so easy to establish I officially designate November 5th as "Pray for Iran" Day. From this day forward let it be so.

Happy "Pray for Iran" day!


  1. You are way nicer than I am. Not that I didn't know that before, but this post really proves it to me.

  2. I love that suggestion! Thanks for pointing people in such a loving direction when it's so unnatural and so difficult. The natural response is to be mad, but we really should be so sad for these people. What could be better than the salvation of such a lost culture and society! Beyond that, how about praying for the saved people that live in such a culture and have such a unique opportunity to spread God's love!
