Friday, October 05, 2007

Today I start.....

Today I start....

For the last year, with all the challenges of life and ministry, I have used food as my drug of choice. But starting today I'm going to get busy and lose those pounds.

No more hamburgers and fries and chocolate malts for I start.

Losing weight is hard work, but much needed for my health, so if you see me just encourage me to stick with it.

Today I start that horrible four letter I start a diet. There are a lot of spiritual things to be said for food. I could write about all the times Jesus ate....he loved food. I could justify my girth with some nice platitudes, but that's all unnecessary....let me just have a moment to myself to cry and then I will be on the way.


  1. Mike, I want you to eilminate that word from your vocabulary. Yes, that word, "diet".

    Diet is short-term thinking. Diet is losing a few pounds to look good for the class reunion, or to fit in to the new bathing suit for the summer, or to get in to that suit you were able to wear when you got married.

    To me, diet has always meant something short-sighted, whereas those of us who need to lose weight, and yes, I count myself in that number, need to think in terms of wholesale lifestyle changes, which is very difficult to do, but it's what must be done for the pounds to not only come off, but stay off. My wife is much better at this than I have been. :-)

  2. Talk to Trainer Joyce! Talk to Trainer Joyce! Talk to Trainer Joyce!

  3. I agree with Brent. Talk to a trainer and get a plan. Have someone to hold you accountable. Having a goal is a great thing. An occassional "cheat" is ok if it is planned. That way you look forward to it, versus thinking you are doing nothing but depriving yourself. If you know that each _______day (pick the day) you can have ___________ (insert favorite food of choice), you can encourage yourself to do without it the other 6 days of the week.

    Praying for you as you start this endevor.

  4. I think this plan fits well with your "Finishing Well" outlook on life. :-)

  5. I started Weight Watchers on September 1st and so far I have managed to drop 15 lbs!

    Good luck in your endeavor!
