Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Secrets of Finishing Well, part 2

Secret #2-Get a good map for the journey

The second secret to Finishing Well is to get a good map for the journey. It's very difficult to get to the finish line if you don't know the way, so one of the most important tools for any journey is a good map.

It's important for you to know that there have been hundreds of map makers over the years. The philosophy of each map maker is important as you look for your map.

That may sound strange, but you need to know that the kind of map I'm talking about is made by those who have a definite view of the destination.

When picking your map make sure you know the philosophy of the map maker. What is his view of the destination?

Here are a few choices in map makers-

1. The "no destination" map maker- There are map makers who maintain that there is no destination, that there is no goal to live for. They believe that when your life is over it's over, so a map, for them, is just for entertainment....pick your own route, go where you wish because there is no goal...there is no destination, so the map is just for our entertainment until this life is over. These map makers can't help you with directions, because they don't know where they are going themselves.

2. The "you find your own map" map maker- These map makers have quite an easy job. They really don't have to do anything. They maintain that we each find and make our own maps. We must each find our own way, so the map they sell is a blank page. It's your job to fill in the details. This is one of the most frustrating sources of a good map because you must do all the work....you must fill in the details. How can I find my way when I must guess at the destination?

3. The "compilation" map maker- These map makers do their best to create accurate maps by compiling all the maps they get from those who travel the different ways. As each one comes back from their journeys these map makers make copies of the travelers map and add the detail to their maps. Eventually the maps they sell are a compilation of numerous traveler's journeys, but what you end up with is a map that looks like a maze. If you ever did find your way to the finish line it would be just a lucky turn in the road. Those who buy these maps will find themselves frustrated with their journey for they never really know if they are on the right road.

4. The maker's map- Imagine that the one who made everything also made a map to help us navigate the route. The truth is that this is the only map that will get you to the right destination, to the finish line. It's a map that describes the journeys of others who navigated life according to the map, and finished well. It's a map that gives direction, instruction and encouragement. It's a map that clearly tells you where to turn, when to stop and what problems to avoid on the way. It's a map that has guided millions to the right destination. In fact, it's their navigation, using the map, that is an encouragement to others to use this map as well.

Although there were more than 40 contributors to the design of this last map it has just one author. It's a map that took more than 1,000 years to draw, but it's been the chosen map for millions because it gives us hope that there is a finish line, and this wonderful map gives us the route to that goal. If you don't have a map for your journey may I recommend the map I use?

It's called the bible.


  1. Is that a map of Prague? I've seen (and used) that map before...(great city, by the way!)

    Sorry you are sick! Hope you have some hot coffee and a good book close by. Always makes me feel better...

  2. Lori,

    yes, it's Prague. Love to visit there someday. Loved the map.

    Thanks for your thoughts as well. I don't get sick often, so it's hard for me. And, yes, I have books. I just finished the Ravi book I mentioned a few days ago.

    Other than the map of Prague what did you think of the map idea? I'm building a series with this, and want to make sure I'm not off base.


  3. Mike - it's an intriguing idea. I love maps. I find that if I follow along in a map when I'm traveling somewhere that I get acclimated to the city much faster. I can close my eyes and see the map and where I need to go next. Funny, my Bible is the same way. I have highlighted and marked so many spots in my favorite Bible that I can close my eyes and see where the passage is in it - on the right, left, highlighted in yellow or next to a chart. I think it would be a fascinating series! (For what my opinion is worth!) You and Joye would love Prague. Strangely, Bluegrass music is popular there. Coffee is not the best in Prague, but the scenery is just outstanding. Lots of interesting artist types lined the bridge crossing the river into town. My mom and I loved it.
