Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday morning thoughts

I really have enjoyed the blogging world, both writing and reading the thoughts of others. It's amazing to me that I have a "vehicle" that allows my thoughts to take flight and people all over the world read them. So, today I was just thinking....I wonder what impact each of our blogs will have on the lives of others? Some of our posts are just personal vents...full of hot air, that help us deal with life. Others are attempting to change the world from this little soap box, and still other blogs are sharing with friends and family the photos and stories of their lives.

As each of these posts take flight it's fun to see all the color it adds to the skyline, it's interesting to read about the thoughts and lives of others I may never meet. So, as I launch my multi-colored balloons of thought each day (some full of hot air), along with millions of others, I look forward to seeing where it will take me....what lives these few thoughts might fact I have already made friends I may never meet in this life who have watched my balloons fly by and waved, or have launched their own into the air, and they have caught my attention as they lazily float by.

Is it really this easy to touch other lives? I wonder why we don't do it more.....what a pretty picture it paints for those who are easy it is to connect with others, bring a smile, and touch a life....maybe we should do this more often in the real world.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if you were going to get to that last line! Mike, your blog is good because it's a reflection of the person you are, and I imagine if everyone who's life you've touched with understanding, joy, fun, and with you simply being an ear or shoulder came to comment on your'd have no time for anything else but reading the comments!!! This blog of yours is a true measure of Mike, the man. And you said you couldn't write! Bah! :)
