Saturday, October 06, 2007

Mark Driscoll on American Idolatry

This is a short segment of a message by Mark. It made me think...what idols have I allowed in my life?


  1. Mike I loved this video post, how do you do this if I would like to put this and other videos on my blog.

  2. Tony,

    go to, sign up (if you haven't), and they will walk you through how to post to your blog...once you have done it, it is very easy. call if you need help.

  3. Amen!

    God has really opened my eyes up to this as well. Anything we rely on that is not God is an idol. Just working on this issue alone has been a major part of my relationship with the Lord. It makes me sad that so many Christians are so blind to it and the damage that is being done in their lives because of the blindness. I guess we just keep telling our stories of how we were blind. We keep asking God to show us where we continue to be blind as well.

    Mike thanks so much for taking the time when you have it to post your thoughts and the great things you find out there on the internet.

    Warmly and Sincerely,
