Thursday, October 18, 2007

A good book to read

I'm reading a new book by Ravi Zacharias called The Grand Weaver. I always enjoy Ravi's work, and this one is especially good.

Let me encourage you to get a copy of this book and read it.

There are few works like this that look at the life of the Christian, and God's great plan in it and for it.

It's a book that will make you think, but more than anything it's a book that will encourage you and give you a greater vision of what God is doing in your life.


  1. I am a big fan of Ravi Z. I was introduced to his work in college. I look forward to reading this book. Thanks for the referral.

    Ryan V.

  2. Thanks for your continued pursuit of spiritual truth. This book would be a good stepping stone towards bringing your other blog back to life.

