Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Remembering miracles

Joye, my wife, and I were sitting in the living room. It had been a typical day for us...the kids were in bed and we were relaxing, reading and watching TV together.

Then it happened.

We heard a gun shot. Then we heard the window shatter. We both fell to the ground, and crawled to the phone to call the police.

We weren't in a bad neighborhood. We didn't have any enemies. It was a shocking experience, but we were only beginning to know what had happened.

The police arrived quickly, secured our home, and then began to investigate what had happened. They looked at the window. They looked over the room, and found the bullet....that's when we found out about the miracle.

The bullet came through the living room window right where Joye was sitting. The bullet hole in the glass was right behind her head. The bullet was on the floor below the window. It was a .45 caliber bullet! It had come through the window and fallen straight to the floor behind Joye's chair. Joye was less than a foot from the window in the direct line of fire. The bullet came through the window and fell to the floor without hurting her. Something had stopped the bullet in mid-air. The police officer said it, although we were thinking it, he said it was a miracle that she was not killed.

In the book of Psalms David often stops in the middle of his life's situations to remember what God had done for him. I just wanted to share with you one thing God has done for us.

I don't ever want to forget God's miracles in our lives....they encourage us to trust him for today too.

It's great to have a big God!

A follow up to this post- I have already been asked several questions about this story, so let me answer them- This really happened to us. It happened in the late 1980's while we lived in Oklahoma. The police did find the shooter. He lived across the street! He was on the porch, playing with his gun when it went off accidently. He was only 100' away from our front window when his .45 handgun discharged! And, finally, yes, God is awesome!


  1. I second the "wow!" I told someone last week I am always amazed when people try to take God out of the absolutely unexplainable things in life. I think it makes the experience even more amazing. It makes my faith leap and my joy for the Lord become something so real. Thanks for helping me take it up a notch.

  2. Now that's something to be very JOYEful about! =-)

  3. Yep, WOW was what I was thinking too before opening the comments.

    And you know what: I really really wonder how many of that protection happens without us realising. I bet that God safes our lifes (e.g. in delaying our car drive and having us miss an accident) and we just go on, because we haven't even realised that we could have been in danger.
    Sometimes in prayer I thank him for the things that didn't happen and that I didn't even know...

    Thanks for sharing that precious post.
