Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday thoughts

It's Monday morning....for me a day off. After Sunday I need a day to rest. Preaching 3 times, visiting with people I love between services, teaching a class, up early in the day to pray and by the end of a Sunday I'm exhausted, so Monday is my Sabbath...a day of rest.
So, as my fellow pastor Brent often does, let me share a few things I'm thinking about this morning-
-I'm glad for a time to rest. God was really great to add rest as one of our basic needs. I really like it!
-I'm looking forward to fall. I love Texas, but I don't like the fact that the summers are so long. We have 8 months of summer, a month for fall, a month for spring, and two months of winter (if you could call it that.) So, I'm glad summer is almost over....and it's nearly October!
-I am really blessed to have good friends. I only wish I had more time to spend with them. There are some great people in our church family and community....I wish I had more time to just sit and visit...maybe that's what heaven will be like...."Why don't you come over for coffee and visit....we could spend a thousand years just visiting"...and the coffee would always be hot. I guess now I'm just dreaming.
-These last months have been busy. In fact I have been running so hard that I hadn't mowed my yard in a month. The neighbors were wondering if we even lived here seldom as I was here I wondered that too. One of my good friends heard me say that I was working all weekend and wouldn't even have time to mow my lawn. He said, "I'll take care of that for you." And he did. I'm blessed!
-I got to speak at a pastor-elder retreat for another church on Saturday. It was a great time to help another pastor and church as they grow. I love doing that, and will be with yet another church in a month. I can't wait.
-It has been great to see God work in my life. I am still growing in my faith, and I love the fact that there is still so much to learn. I am the eternal student and can't wait for the next lesson, the next book, the next new insight into the bible. I'm glad God has given me that hunger.
-I need to get a new coffee roaster. Mine died a month ago, and I miss the taste of "real" coffee...the fresh roasted kind.
Ok.....enough of that. I'm off to make some coffee and spend time reading the bible. Have a great Monday!


  1. Not only will the coffee be hot, but it will be fresh roasted and it will never be swill!

    Hope you have a restful Monday.

    Sorry I missed the lesson on Jehoshaphat...he's one of my favorites.

  2. I knew I didn't see your pretty face, but we had fun. Hope all is well at your house.

  3. From one that was on the receiving end at the Elder Retreat, THANKS. I told the other guys at the retreat after you left, that one of the things that makes my relationship with you Mike is that folks like you and James, as busy as you are, make yourselves available to invest in the lives of others. This weekend, you multiplied yourself and will be able to meet folks in heaven you never personally met. Hmm... sounds like a good topic for a song... maybe I could email info that to Ray Boltz...

    I love you brother. I look forward to catching a cup of java with you in heaven and catching up.
