Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm a Christ Follower (Mac vs. PC Parody) Part 01

Something fun for a Wednesday. This is the first is a short series of thoughtful videos. Your thoughts?


  1. Hey Mike,

    You don't know me - I found you via Helen.

    First, I love the video. It's interesting to me since my wife and I are in the midst of searching for a new church home. I've been pleasently surprised by how God is challenging my "Christian" way of thinking as I met "Christ followers" at other congregations.

    I say "pleasent" because I've actually enjoyed questioning my own beliefs and whether they are scripturally based or mere tradition. Also, it's been a real joy discovering the diffent ways other churches worship and serve Our Lord.

    As for your blog, I've enjoy that, as well! So I'll be back!


  2. Hi Mike,

    A good video, in the sense that it demonstrates how sometimes Christians with different perspectives on the faith are not always very accepting of others who have the same Lord, but different ways of approaching the faith.

    I have exchanged links, comments and emails with Wade through his blog and my Satire blog, and it has been a blessing.
