Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Broke down" in Nowhere, Oklahoma

Sounds like a country song, doesn't it? It felt like we were in a country song! That's the problem with living in Dallas, Texas....we can do anything here....get anything here.....24 hours a day.

Which mall do you want to go to? There are at least 50 in the Dallas area.

What kind of food do you want to eat? We have it all here!

Not so in Nowhere, Oklahoma.

As we settled in to wait for the car to be repaired we asked the hotel desk clerk, "Where's the mall?" Her response was a surprise to our Dallas ears, "We don't have a mall, but Wal-Mart is just down the road." What a reality check for us....we had gotten spoiled with all that a big city offers, and forgotten how life really is in Nowhere, Oklahoma.

What to do? I'm sure we looked funny....not sure what to do with ourselves....but we roamed around Wal-Mart and made the best of what this little town had to offer. It sure makes you realize how blessed you are when you have to do without all that you take for granted.

It was a great experience. An opportunity to slow down, and realize how blessed we are....even in Nowhere, Oklahoma.


  1. Hopefully UPS knows where McAlester is when the shop has to send out for the part! Been there done that and have seen God do amazing things in the middle of the cornfields! Enjoy the enforced respite.

  2. Hey, Walmart was okay with me! I can say I've been to Walmarts in almost every town that's big enough to have one between here and Ft. Smith: in Sherman, in Atoka, in McAlester, in Checotah... I can always find something there to make me happy!

  3. My kids and I have a song we sing when we are going through Oklahoma on our numerous road trips. Granted, you can't get the tune over the blog, but here goes:

    We're in the middle of nowhere,
    going no where fast.
    We're in the middle of nowhere,
    sure glad we got gas.
    We're in the middle of nowhere,
    I know what everyone thinks.
    We're in the middle of nowhere,
    Oklahoma stinks.

    :-) Glad they are at least nice to you.

  4. Reminds me of a line in "O Brother Where Art Thou" when George Clooney is looking for a car part and some Dapper Dan pomade and the owner can't get any for 2 weeks - "a geographical oddity - 2 weeks for anything". (Well, that wasn't exactly the quote, but the idea of the geographical oddity makes me giggle.

    I can always find stuff I didn't know I needed at Wal-Mart.

  5. I've actually been to Nowhere, Oklahoma. It's SW of OK City. And it doesn't have a Wal-Mart! But it's close to a great state park!

  6. Did you get to the middle of nowhere?

  7. Rick,

    great question! not sure I would know it if I did. thanks for the smile.
