Saturday, August 04, 2007

On being a missionary...

I got an e-mail this morning that I wanted to share with you. I thought the note was profound, what do you think?

Hi Mike,

Here's some food for thought: I've always dreamed of being a missionary in a foreign land, but right now my life doesn't allow me to have such an adventure.

But...tonight I am working with a nurse from India, a nurse from Nigeria, and one from the Philippines. In our unit there are 3 hispanic families that speak little or no english, and a family that has just arrived from China. God has brought the world to me...and to all of us! How cool is that?!!

Hope you're having a great day!


  1. She has figured out what few ever do, I know it took me a long time. The mission field was never just over there, it is all around us! I read recently that the United States is one of the fastest growing missions field in the world. Hmm... salt and light!

  2. This is so great! I have realised, that a call is not always specific. Sometimes God puts just a certain kind of longing and love in our hearts for using it later and in a perfectly other way, than we expected.

    How great, that Susan was able to see that openminded...
