Friday, August 17, 2007

A note from a friend

A friend of mine sent this note to me. I really liked the thoughts, and asked if I could share them with you. Cindy said, "Wow, I’d be honored. I’m always encouraged by your musings. Most recently, your blog about weakness wrecked a perfectly good pity party I was having!"

So here's her note-

"Reading the Blog of one of my favorite pastors has caused me to look at signs in a whole new way lately. (I hope she's talking about me! -Mike)

I saw this sign this morning (on my way to Lowe’s to get new faucets that we had already ordered on-line but they didn’t come in) and had to smile. I always start my day with MY agenda in mind, and MY perfect plan for checking everything off the list. After all, that’s how we measure productivity and fruitfulness, right? Pleeease, I’m really not in the mood to stop for anything that gets in the way!

However, after almost 51 years, I think (hope) it is becoming clear that stopping generally affects me in a positive, albeit sometimes frustrating or even painful way. There have been some stops in my life I haven’t figured out yet, but more often than not I’m able to see pretty quickly an agenda that was way better than mine.

Just thought I’d share that with a few of you who are dear to me. "



  1. I think I need to remember this everyday. How many times do I get irritated when things don't go exactly as planned, and lately how often has that happened. It is my choice to be angry and make my day bad, but if I realize God is orchestrating things then maybe I would just accept it and have a happier day. Thanks for posting that!!!

  2. I had one of these night where I had to be somewhere and I was late (I forgot) I was holding my newborn son when I got the call. I hit every single light on the road it seemed(I missed one I think) So very impatient to get there but it wouldn't have mattered. I get so stuck on being there early (I don't like being late) Anyway, it would've been better to take my time and not break several speeding records to get there. I get wrapped in that loop of just getting there I obsess on it which just makes matters worse because my eye is off GOD. I think driving is my quickest way of determining where I am at. If I don't give it to HIM I just get frustrated and mad at fellow drivers needlessly.
