Thursday, August 09, 2007

No deep thoughts, just wondering.....

Yesterday, in my browsing, I stumbled on an atheist blog page. It was amazingly interesting...I would have left a comment, but I already know the response I would have gotten.

What struck me is how dogmatic they are that THEY are right. I read a number of "testimonies" speaking to their "assurance" that there is no God. It was not surprising to me, but it was very clear that their "faith" is a negative thing, not a positive thing, and that was evident by the comments they made.

So I'm do we, as a race, find truth? Where is it? Obviously there are a thousand answers in our world today, many claiming to "have it", others saying "it" cannot be known. For me this is an easy thing, being a man of faith it's simply a matter of where I place my faith. What can I believe that is true truth (as Francis Schaeffer described it).

We live in a culture that believes truth is personal and pliable..."your truth" is a phrase I have heard numerous times. But is it possible that truth can be different for different people? This could be a long discussion, but since I'm just thinking here let me say that I don't believe that's possible. Truth, by its very definition, is singular and possible to know. So....where do we find it? For me I find it in the bible....yes, shock and horror....I believe it is the one truth book that provides truth for the human race that is not available in nature. Yes, I believe the bible is true!

Ridicule if you must, but for me I believe it is God's revelation to reveals God, our problem-sin, God's solution-his Son, our response-faith in him.

It is the difference between hope and despair. I hope in the living God who has revealed himself to mankind. The atheist lives with a subtle does he know for sure that there is no God? What if he's wrong? I know that this train of thought will not satisfy a sceptic, I am not trying to do that. I'm just thinking....I am so grateful that God has searched me out, revealed himself to me, saved me, and given me his book, and a hope for the future...

I pray for my sceptic friends that they will find Christ....a hope...a faith in the living God who can be known.


  1. so this is not going to be some intellectual comment. But I just don't understand how anyone can just believe in nothing. What is the point of life? Sure I guess maybe you can try to make a little difference in the world, but really if I didn't have anything to believe in on those bad days why shouldn't I just do away with my life, There is no point is there. When its over its over, and nobody loves me unconditionally so why live. God gives my life hope and point. And it helps me to get through the bad times and keep on, and to help others to keep on keeping on. It helps me to love others and it gives me a role model on how to base my life. Sorry I guess it just frustrates me when someone can believe in nothing. Great post by the way. Yes indeed we need to pray for them. Because I can only imagine life would have to be miserable to be lived like that.

  2. Say, how often should I be commenting to warrant a link on the left? I'm thinking if I have The Great Mike listing my link, my stock value might go up :)

  3. Justin & Michelle,

    I didn't know you had a blog! Send me the link, let me stop by, and I'll add you to the list.

  4. Wow! I just noticed I made the list!

    I personally am glad truth is not up to me, that it's bigger than me, and that it's solidly in place even when I doubt. Thanks, God!
