Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday's cartoon

I'm always aware that people are watching me. They watch what I say, what I do, even my moods. All of us look to someone to lead us. People are watching you, too. Live such a good life that they will praise God for you and want to be like you. I have always been amazed at Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 11. He invited the Corinthian church to imitate him, to follow him as he follows Christ. If you have never invited anyone to do this, then I would challenge you to follow Christ in such a way that you would welcome others following you. Here's Paul's words for you to meditate on today-

1Co 11:1 Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.


  1. Thanks for doing your best to follow Christ so that we can follow Him by following you! Our church is blessed by having you as one of our pastors!

    I think it would do us all good to look over our shoulders from time to time to see who's following. Somebody is following every one of us! Acts 1:8 says we will be His witnesses. We represent Christ to the world, whether we want to or not!

  2. Mike Anything I
    present you are more than welcome too, my brother,
    Love, Denis
