Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday's cartoon

Yesterday one of our missionaries spoke. He's a great guy, and has been a missionary for over 2 decades. One thing he said caught my ear. He said, "there are over 6 billion people in the world and only 2 billion of them claim to be Christian." He continued, "you don't have to go overseas to be a missionary, all of us are missionaries." So, I thought this would be a great cartoon for Monday.
Let me close with this thought....your mission field may not be in another might just be next door.


  1. Or it might be IN your own home...

  2. Brent, I's much closer than we realize.

  3. Mike/Brent,

    Amen; CBC should think about investing in some signage over the doors as you leave - "You Are Entering The Mission Field - Grace Be With You"

    Have a blessed day,

  4. Good idea. But you'd need a sign on the way IN, too!

  5. Amen! Great thought Mike!

    PS: is that a cartoon image of you? hehe

  6. YES, YES, YES!!!!
    I really believe this.
    Interesting to realize that I don't do anything different than I did in the USA when I lived in Flower Mound, Texas. I have Bible Study, I talk about God, mostly I LOVE Jesus. And can't help but share it. I did that in my 2nd grade class room. By the way, did you know that many people believe that a teacher in the public schools cannot share their faith in Christ. That is NOT TRUE! We have the right to share it - we simply must preface it with 'I BELIEVE'... do you know how many times I said - I Believe in my classroom? and I encouraged the children to find out what they believed. Not to just take someone else's word for it. - Sounds a bit like what I do now :-)

  7. So very true and good. I used to live in the south, People in the south need to be ministered to indeed but it seems like even if people were saved they had religion in their family. But now since I have moved to the west, its a whole different ballgame. Not everyone goes to church, hardly anyone talks to anyone so just talking to someone and being pleasant is a ministry. Offering to do something for them is almost unheard of. It is exciting. We need to be missionaries in our own country.
