Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday's cartoon

The dreaded comment of encouragement- These kind of comments are always meant well, but...they come to compensate for other comments we may never hear. It's one of the battles of our of the challenges of a pastor....I'm sure that if the congregation had remotes they would be pushing the next channel button....or more likely the mute button in some of our services. This is a funny cartoon, and it made me smile, so it's Monday's cartoon....have a great day.


  1. Very funny cartoon. Whenever someone says something that sounds like it can be taken a number of ways, I always remember a quote from a good friend of mine. In those situations, he would say "I'll take that as a compliment, no matter how it was intended."

  2. Quite amusing, that little cartoon. My mother has turned the backhanded compliment into an art form! ("I can understand why you bought that dress, dear. It did look lovely on the manequin.") But I think most people are truly trying to encourage just comes out wrong.
