Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Knowing Christ

We are in the middle of a wonderful week of rest in Colorado. Today, my wife and I are taking a day to just rest, read, walk, enjoy the mountains....and I'm thinking, what is the most important thing in my life? What is it that I must work on to finish well? What is worth all my efforts and time?

I'm thinking about the important things....a time away from the busy life I normally live gives me time to think about these things.....what's important? What is worth all my attention?

I am convinced that the most important thing is this...something that Paul wrote....

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from the dead."

I, and many others before me, am drawn to these first five words, "I want to know Christ...." I'm thinking that the most important quest in my life is this one thing- to know Christ. This quest is worth all my time, attention and affection. This quest is worth all of me. I'm on this quest, but often I get busy, and forget my most important passion- to know Christ.

My personal battle, and having time away helps me see it clearly, is that I get so busy doing things for Christ that I lose sight of the prize, the quest, the goal- simply knowing Christ. How do I do that? How do I get so busy that I forget HIM? ......but I do.....and I must stop often to remind myself that knowing him is my goal....knowing him is the prize...pursuing a relationship with him is the goal of life. It's that quest that defines "finishing well."

So, again, maybe for the 1,000th time, I revisit my prime goal in life, and with a sigh realize that I have gotten too busy again and I forgot.....it's knowing him....that's the goal.

I want to know Christ! It's the battle cry of the Christian life. It's the passion that will drive you on. It's the most important quest you will ever embark upon.....to know him.....so that one day, when I see him face to face, it will be my first look at someone I have known intimately for many years.

So today, I begin again with a clear vision of my goal, my quest, my passion- I want to know Christ!


  1. enjoy those mountains! we just drove through there a couple weeks ago and it was so beautiful it was hard for us to keep driving!

    thank you for that reminder. it has helped me to refocus on a day where things have gotten a bit out of whack for me. thanks a lot!

  2. Good to hear from you Tim,

  3. I guess no one is ever finished with that goal - until we finally see him face to face...

    Great post, thanks!

    Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July.


  4. ich auch 0)
    interesting I searched for Him in the quaint dorf in Deutschland - I found Him right where He lives, inside me.
    I'm thankful to spend that moment to reconnect with my Lover. Thankful that Because HE IS the I AM, i am...
    Thankful also, Mike that your moment by moment choices speak volumes as to who you want to get to know. What a mighty God we serve.

  5. I am so glad you guys are getting to get away, and what a wonderful place to refresh and recharge - I think Colorado is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

    Enjoy your time of rest and I pray that you will both have such a wonderful time with God.

  6. There's a Robert Pirsig quote I like: (he's the Zen & Art of Motorcycle Maintenance guy) "The truth knocks on your door and you say, 'go away - I'm looking for the truth.' So it goes away, puzzling." I think we need to pause at the door more often.
