Thursday, June 07, 2007

Life's "eggs"

“Everything is a consequence….and everything has consequences.” -A.W. Tozer
Every egg comes from a deed....every egg has potential for a life of it's own. Every egg is a sign that something has happened, and it's a promise of something else that may happen.
We all live with "eggs"...the results of choices we have made. What will be the fruit of our "eggs?"
I am in the middle of one of the best lessons of my life, and fortunate for me, they are eggs laid by someone else. I am watching the results of choices made, the eggs laid, the potential of what will come from those eggs in the future....what will be that fruit? It surely will produce "rotten eggs" for the deeds are the kind that can only make those kind of eggs.....but what a great learning for me.
Honestly, I am very grateful to be able to learn from others...both good and bad lessons. As I watch those around me I see that God's word is true, and the results of life choices do produce the "eggs" the bible promises....and it promises the fruit of those eggs will live on as evidence of my actions give birth to the results of those actions and live on to either haunt me with grief or bless me with joy.


  1. Eggsactly - Can you work “steak” or “bbq” into tomorrow’s truth?

  2. Now we have chef salad!

    Some thoughts on eggs (draw your own conclusions): Laying an egg can be uncomfortable. Hatching it requires patience, guarding from predators or breakage, and just the right conditions to produce a viable baby. Even then, the struggle for the baby to free itself from its shell is necessary and cannot be skipped. If we try to rush the process, prolong it, fail to guard it closely or to keep the conditions just right, or "help" the baby out of the egg, the baby won't survive. But then that's a consequence too!

    Life is such a balancing act. I'm glad God is the one in control!

  3. Steak? BBQ? Salad? I will try....very interesting proposal!

  4. mmm steak sounds good, btw great post!!!

  5. Potential. Funny you should mention this. How are we to understand our potential? In this lesson you've mentioned I think GOD has given you opportunity to not only witness it, but also to fulfill your calling. GOD is using your potential HE gave you as well as Crossroads Bible staff and members. We (the body) have been given an opportunity to shine because of our situation. I think it is our purpose to be in the world but not of the world.
    Reminds me of this song by DC Talk-What if I stumble. It starts by saying: "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, whom acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and get on about their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." How we conduct our lives says more about us than what we say with our lips. I shouldn't write at 4am - sorry I am oncall.
