Saturday, June 09, 2007

Life changers

Each of us has people in our lives that have made a difference....either good or bad. Today I want to highlight a man who made a big impact in my life in a positive way, one of my "life changers."

His name is Jim Walters.

He was one of my profs at university. He taught in the biblical studies department. Jim started teaching the year I started university, and just recently retired.

Jim had a love for the word of God, and passed that on to me. He taught the survey classes to us poor freshmen, and did a great job of communicating his love for the bible. I took every class I could with Jim, and ultimately majored in biblical studies.

It was Jim’s love for the bible that infected me, and I am forever grateful to him for that. Jim was a great professor and a wonderful friend to me.

I just wanted to highlight one person you may never meet who touched my life to help make me who I am. We are all built on the shoulders of other men and women, and they stand on the shoulders of men and women we may never know about. It is amazing how God has built his church through the lives of fallen men and women trusting him to work through them.

May we each be people who prepare a place for others to stand, may we be people who will give those around us examples to celebrate in the years ahead.

1Pe 2:9 But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you--

I would love to know who has made a difference in your life, and why…whose shoulders do you stand on?


  1. Kim Hill, the most wonderful man I have ever known.....he was my piano teacher when I was a teenager. He was born in Venezuela and had so many talents besides being a pianist. He knew several languages, he was a published writer, a former professional diver and ice skater...he was also the mayor of Beverly Hills years past. He knew rich times, and poor times. He was someone who could read people's hearts, could really *know* you. He listened to me. I would spend literally 3-4 hours at his home for piano lessons. He would pace the floor in front of a fire in the fireplace, and listen to me play, sipping his tea. He didn't miss a note or phrase. He loved nature, often slept outdoors on his beautiful property in the western Oregon coast range. We had our recitals outdoors where he would have tiki torches all around the guests, and would sound a large gong to signal the start of the program. It was magical. I miss him so much. He had a beautiful soul.

  2. my mom
    although perfection is never achieved - my mom desires to serve God as best she can.My mom became a Christian when she was pregnant with me. My most vivid memories of my mom: huddled over the word of God with dictionary, Strong's concordance, several different commentaries and a notebook. Always a notebook. I am thankful for this faithful saint.
    Ich liebe meine Mutter.

  3. When I was studying social work, the prof made us draw a map of our lifes and draw important locations and people unto it. This made me think just about your question.

    I guess I had more people encouraging and 'forming' me, than I can ever count...
    Of course my marvellous parents, but also my parent's friends from the bible collegue, my pastors, my friends with whom I share(d) a house for years...
    It's like a puzzle - just one piece missing and my life would not be the picture it is today.

    Thanks for your inspiring post!

