Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Something different

Ok, time for something different. I love visual puzzles, and here's one. Of course it helps that this is a picture of my favorite food group- COFFEE!

See if you can find the hidden "thing" in the picture, and tell me what it is. Also, time long did it take? (Just want to see how smart you guys are.)


  1. It took me about 30 seconds, but I found a man on the bottom, with a big nose.

  2. Wierd! It took me a while, but I finally saw the man's forehead/face. Thanks for the entertainment. SM

  3. Very funny. Balding man with his nose being squished....just a few seconds.

  4. It took a few seconds to find the strange face. of my favorite food groups! (After all, it is a vegetable isn't it? It's a bean, right??)

  5. About 10 seconds. Coffee -- a subject dear to my hubbie's heart! I've got to ask -- did you roast the guy yourself?

  6. I am SO weird. I never did find the old guy. I saw a turkey. No matter how hard I looked, I just kept seeing that turkey head...wattle and all.

  7. You may be weird, Gramcrackers, but you aren't the only one. I squinted my eyes for about half a minute til I could see a cat with its tongue hanging out! Wonder how we'd do on a Rorschach test?
