Wednesday, May 02, 2007

People matter!

I'm up early this morning praying for people...people I work with and others I care about. They are each important, and their problems and worries are real. Their struggles and concerns affect them. I know of one person dealing with a lot of issues right now. They have put on a good game face, but the real heart of it came out yesterday....I'm praying for that person this morning...they have a lot to deal with. Lord, help them to truly trust you and rest in your care and love for them.
We had dinner last night with another couple going through a lot in their lives...a sister near challenges, and I'm praying for them.
I'm praying for our church as's going through it's own problem and challenges. Six months ago I described it as an earthquake, and it was....still is. We are in the "aftershocks" now, and although they are not as destructive they continue to shake us all.
6 billion people on this planet right now...all of them loved by God...all of them with problems and issues. I pray for those I know, but there are so many more who are without God and without hope in the world....and each one matters to God. Each one is important.
I guess my problem is that I really do love people, that's why I became a pastor. I care about them. But there are days when the weight of all the people, the problems, the conflicts, the just too much.
So I pray. Lord, glorify yourself amidst all this mess called planet earth. Work mightily in the lives and hearts of the people you died to save. Care for them, open their eyes to see you and your love for them.
I guess I would just wave a magic wand, if I could, and fix it all...but that's not the solution we need...we need a savior. We need God's solution to the problems, and it's to trust Him. With all the problems I hear about each day I must come to the throne room often, and fall on my face to simply say, "Lord, help! We need you so badly! Help are our only hope!"


  1. Dear Mike,

    “But there are days when the weight of all the people, the problems, the conflicts, the just too much.” I believe this to be true for a lot of followers of Christ...See Philippians 1:29 - 2:18 for our instructions.

    “Work mightily in the lives and hearts of the people you died to save. Care for them, open their eyes to see you and your love for them.” He does. The problem would be with me (us) and if I’m (we’re) going to let pride and/or idolatry rule my (our) hearts instead of God.

    Truth of the matter - Only God can fix that which is broken (the world-that will be until He returns) and I (or anyone) can choose to be a conduit for Him or not. God doesn’t need me; I (the world) need(s) Him. I just can’t thank Him enough for what He has done.

    Continue your good works brother, “13 for it is God who works in you to will and act according to his good purpose.”

    God Bless,

  2. Awesome comments, Bob! Thank you so much for your words. Very encouraging.


  3. Well, for what it's worth, I'm sure thankful to the Lord that you cared enough about me to invest in my life.

    I can't imagine life without your mark on it. Thank you brother.
