Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just a Thursday morning...

A new day has begun, and I got an early start as well....some reading, some prayer and a few minutes to just think.
It's Thursday. I have a day full of plans, problems and people ahead of me....but I wonder what the Lord has in store for me?
I think I must miss so much of what God would do if I would let him. My calendar is full. The day is busy....meetings, office time, people I need to call, things I must do....but what's on God's calendar for me?
What does he have planned for my day? I will gladly throw out my calendar to do what he wants.
Lord, don't let me miss the appointments YOU have set for me today. Show me the open doors ahead that I might miss because of my busy life.
Let's go by your calendar today!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about this thought a couple of evenings ago while watching my son's band concert. I've had a ridiculously busy week this week and I almost got wrapped up in the lengthy to-do list. As I listened to the music I realized that I needed to stop and enjoy the special moments along the way that God had provided - like listening to my son's band or my other son's piano recital. I get so caught up in what's coming next in my life that sometimes I overlook those simple joys of TODAY.

    Thanks for the thought, Mike!
